picture probleme breakline , I have a problem with my breakline not working properly in my either caculated fields or my expression. I would like to split by created date and title etc... do you know why it is not working ?
= "<b>"+ "Created on: " + "</b>" & CDate(Fields!ticket_ticketSolutions_date_create.Value).ToString("dd/MM/yy HH:mm")
& Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine &
"<b>" + "Approval date: " + "</b>" & iif(IsNothing(Fields!date_approval.value),"Not Approved",CDate( Fields!date_approval.Value).ToString("dd/MM/yy HH:mm"))
& Environment.NewLine &
Environment.NewLine &
"<b>" + "Solutions: " +"</b>" & Fields!ticket_ticketSolutions_content_plainText.Value
=Join( LookupSet(Fields!ticket_tickets_sourceId.value, Fields!itemId.value, Fields!start_end_solution_data.value, "Ticket_ticket_ticket_Solutions"), vbcrlf)
It looks like you are using HTML tags in your text box. When using HTML, line breaks do not work.
Replace the NewLine with the HTML break tag <br>
= "<b>"+ "Created on: " + "</b>" & CDate(Fields!ticket_ticketSolutions_date_create.Value).ToString("dd/MM/yy HH:mm") &
"<br><br>" & "<b>" + "Approval date: " + "</b>" &
IIF(IsNothing(Fields!date_approval.value), "Not Approved", CDate( Fields!date_approval.Value).ToString("dd/MM/yy HH:mm")) &
"<br>" & "<br>" & "<b>" + "Solutions: " +"</b>" & Fields!ticket_ticketSolutions_content_plainText.Value