I have an encrypted tar.gz
archive and need to create function to decrypt it and untar. When I'm using the gpg
command in terminal, it works totally fine.
gpg --output path/my_archive.tar.gz --decrypt path/my_archive.tar.gz.gpg
But when I created a function to decrypt the file I got just Unknown system error.
def _unpack(self, my_path: Path) -> Path:
if not str(my_path).startswith("/tmp/"):
# import to tmp
my_path = edge.copy2tmp(my_path)
if str(my_path).endswith('.gpg'):
output_path = my_path.parent / my_path.stem
logger.info(my_path) # i'm sure it is gpg
assert my_path.exists() # i'm sure it exists
with open(str(my_path), 'rb') as f:
gpg = gnupg.GPG()
status = gpg.decrypt_file(
f, passphrase=MY_SECRET_KEY, output=str(output_path)
my_path = output_path
if my_path.is_dir():
# case when delivery is directory
return my_path
elif tarfile.is_tarfile(str(my_path)):
Logger results:
my_logger - /tmp/nlgdb-p2iyxhh7/archive_name.tar.gz.gpg
gnupg - Setting homedir to '/home/o.solop/.config/python-gnupg'
gnupg -
Initialised settings:
binary: /usr/bin/gpg
binary version: 2.2.19\ncfg:pubkey:1;16;17;18;19;22\ncfg:pubkeyname:RSA;ELG;DSA;ECDH;ECDSA;EDDSA\ncfg:cipher:1;2;3;4;7;8;9;10;11;12;13\ncfg:ciphername:IDEA;3DES;CAST5;BLOWFISH;AES;AES192;AES256;TWOFISH;CAMELLIA128;CAMELLIA192;CAMELLIA256\ncfg:digest:2;3;8;9;10;11\ncfg:digestname:SHA1;RIPEMD160;SHA256;SHA384;SHA512;SHA224\ncfg:compress:0;1;2;3\ncfg:compressname:Uncompressed;ZIP;ZLIB;BZIP2\ncfg:curve:cv25519;ed25519;nistp256;nistp384;nistp521;brainpoolP256r1;brainpoolP384r1;brainpoolP512r1;secp256k1\n'
homedir: /home/o.solop/.config/python-gnupg
ignore_homedir_permissions: False
keyring: /home/o.solop/.config/python-gnupg/pubring.gpg
secring: /home/o.solop/.config/python-gnupg/secring.gpg
default_preference_list: SHA512 SHA384 SHA256 AES256 CAMELLIA256 TWOFISH AES192 ZLIB ZIP Uncompressed
keyserver: hkp://wwwkeys.pgp.net
options: None
verbose: False
use_agent: False
gnupg - FAILURE status emitted from gpg process: decrypt 4294967295
my_logger - False
my_logger - decrypt 4294967295
my_logger - gpg: no valid OpenPGP data found.
[GNUPG:] FAILURE decrypt 4294967295
gpg: decrypt_message failed: Unknown system error
Do you have any idea what am I doing wrong? Maybe there is any other module to decrypt my data? Probably, I just can use a subprocess
, but why the module doesn't work for me?
I had the exact same issue, today.
In my case, I installed the packages gnupg
(first) and python-gnupg
The answer in https://github.com/isislovecruft/python-gnupg/issues/208#issuecomment-786857806 put me up.
After removing gnupg
and reinstalling python-gnupg
, the error vanished and I finally could decrypt my files.