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C++: How to pass the object from a unique_ptr into a function by value?

I would like to use the cereal library from this github page to load xml into objects. Up to this point everything is fine.

But in my application, it is a bit more complex: the object that needs to be loaded/filled by the xml file, have to be accessed through polymorphic pointer. Therefore, if a use a raw pointer, the cereal lib refuse to take it, and ask for a smart pointer. But, when I give a smart pointer to the generic load cereal function (ie void serialize( Archive & ar ) related to cereal::XMLInputArchive::operator()), it tries to load into the whole pointer itself rather than the pointing object.

Here is an MWE:

#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <map>
#include <memory>

#include <cereal/archives/xml.hpp>
#include <cereal/types/memory.hpp>
#include <cereal/types/polymorphic.hpp>

using namespace std;

class SuperParentClass
        virtual std::string get_nameClass() =0;
        virtual int run() = 0;
        void serialize() ;

class ClassRectangle : public SuperParentClass
        std::string get_nameClass(){return "Rectangle";};
        double length=0.;
        double width=0.;
        template <class Archive>
        void serialize( Archive & ar )
            ar(  CEREAL_NVP( length )  );
            ar(  CEREAL_NVP( width )  );

        int run()
            std::cout << "I am a Rectangle with length "<<length<<" and width "<<width << std::endl;
            return 0;

int main(void) 
    // Beginning of main.
    cout << "(Start)" << endl;
    // Loading from file Part.
        cout << "Load " << endl; 
        std::ifstream is("input.xml");
        cereal::XMLInputArchive arr(is); 

        ClassRectangle Rec;
        arr( Rec ); // or // arr( cereal::make_nvp("Rectangle", Rec) );;

        // Now, a bit more complex but closer to my application, because I need a polymorphic pointer !
        std::unique_ptr<SuperParentClass> UPSPC(new ClassRectangle());
        arr( cereal::make_nvp("Rectangle", UPSPC ) );  // ask for a polymorphic_id, it does not apply the right function
        // arr( cereal::make_nvp("Rectangle", UPSPC.get() ) );  // exempt a smart pointer not a raw pointer
        // arr( cereal::make_nvp("Rectangle", &UPSPC ) );  // exempt a smart pointer not a raw pointer
        // arr( cereal::make_nvp("Rectangle", std::move(UPSPC) ) );  // ask for a polymorphic_id, it does not apply the right function
        // arr( cereal::make_nvp("Rectangle", *UPSPC.get() ) );  // does not compile.
        // arr( UPSPC ); // create an Segmentation Error, because cereal is looking for a polymorphic_id I guess.

    // End of the main.
    cout << "(End) " << endl;   
    return 0; 
// EoF

with input.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

and the signature of make_nvp from cereal.hpp:

template <class T> inline
 NameValuePair<T> make_nvp( std::string const & name, T && value )
  return {name.c_str(), std::forward<T>(value)};

The exact error message of the above MWE is :

 terminate called after throwing an instance of 'cereal::Exception'
  what():  XML Parsing failed - provided NVP (polymorphic_id) not found

So my question is: how can I pass the object, from a unique_ptr, into the cereal function by value ? Or is there another way to work around this ?


  • The problem is that you don't load the file the same way you write it. If you write it using smart pointers, then the file contains additionnal data including a node polymorphic_id. You would have a file similar to this one:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    after modifying the registration to use

     CEREAL_REGISTER_TYPE_WITH_NAME(ClassRectangle, "Rectangle")

    instead of:


    The code I used to write the file is:

        std::ofstream is("output.xml");
        cereal::XMLOutputArchive arr(is);
        auto *rp1 = new ClassRectangle();
        rp1->length = 1;
        rp1->width = 5;
        std::unique_ptr<SuperParentClass> p1(rp1);
        auto *rp2 = new ClassRectangle();
        rp2->length = 2;
        rp2->width = 25;
        std::unique_ptr<SuperParentClass> p2(rp2);

    Then that file can be read back using smart pointers to SuperParentClass.

    Alternatively, if you want to read the original file in a smart pointer, it can easily be done by using the following lines:

        std::unique_ptr<ClassRectangle> UPSPC(new ClassRectangle());

    Obviously, you have to use the derived type here because the file was saved without hierarchical information needed to handle polymorphic type.

    Also notice the * in the expression arr(*UPSPC). That way, you are loading into an already allocated object.


    If you have at most one obect of each derived type, then you could load them by name:

        std::unique_ptr<ClassTriangle> tri(new ClassTriangle());
        std::unique_ptr<ClassRectangle> rect(new ClassRectangle());
        arr(cereal::make_nvp("Triangle", *tri));
        arr(cereal::make_nvp("Rectangle", *rect));