msvc compiles the following code(with /permissive- compiler switch), clang and gcc do not:
template<auto val>
struct S{
static constexpr auto val = val;
int main() {
return S<4>::val;
I presume that this is just a msvc bug, but I am curious if maybe standard is ambiguous here.
The standard is unambiguous on this, a template parameter can't be redeclared for any reason, see [temp.local]/6:
A template-parameter shall not be redeclared within its scope (including nested scopes). A template-parameter shall not have the same name as the template name.
[ Example:
template<class T, int i> class Y { int T; // error: template-parameter redeclared void f() { char T; // error: template-parameter redeclared } }; template<class X> class X; // error: template-parameter redeclared
— end example ]
So MSVC behavior (given the /permissive-
flag) looks like a bug.