I have a basic knowledge of kafka topic/producer/consumer and broker.
I would like to understand how this works in realworld.
For example Consider below usecase .
Whose responsibility it is to take care of the producer code? A frond end java/Web developer's? Because web developers are familiar with events and tomcat server logs.
Can anyone explain interms of developer and responsibility of taking care of each section.
In a "standard" scenario, following people/roles are involved:
Since there are plenty implementations of the producer/consumer kafka API it's kind of language agnostic, (see some libs). But you are right the dev implementing the features regarding kafka should at least be familiar with pub-sub.
Be aware we are talking about roles, so there are not necessarily four people involved, it could also just be one person doing the whole job. Also this is just a generic real world scenario and can be completely different in your specific usecase/environment.