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How to automate the assigment of variables from a table in pandas?

I have a long table with many rows and my goal is to sort this table out to conduct further analysis on the different parameters.

The df looks like this:

    datetime                    value   type    description                 name
0   2018-01-01 00:30:00+01:00   0.22    HLN     HigLowNot                   NO2
1   2018-01-01 00:30:00+01:00   0.31    HLN     HighLowNot                  CO
2   2018-01-01 00:30:00+01:00   1.15    HLN     HighLowNot                  NO
3   2018-01-01 00:30:00+01:00   1.80    AIS     AllinSep                    NO2
4   2018-01-01 00:30:00+01:00   2.60    AIS     AllinSep                    CO
5   2018-01-01 00:30:00+01:00   2.30    AIS     AllinSep                    NO

This is a short form, there are 20 unique names and 2 types.

This is what I do currently:

I sort by typ HLN h = df[df['type'] == 'HLN'] and get that specific type in one lon table.

After that I create for each name a subset and after that a pivot table. I want to automate both parts because they have 40 lines in total. Ist that possible?

h_NO2 = h[h['name'] == 'NO2'] 
h_NO = h[h['name'] == 'NO']
h_CO = h[h['name'] == 'CO']
h_NO2_subset = h_NO2.pivot(index ="datetime", columns="description", values = "value")
h_NO_subset = h_NO.pivot(index ="datetime", columns="description", values = "value")
h_CO_subset = h_CO.pivot(index ="datetime", columns="description", values = "value")


  • Use a dictionary as container:

    dict_h = {i: h[h['name'] == i]
              for i in h['name'].unique()
    dict_h_subset = {k: v.pivot(index="datetime",
                     for k,v in dict_h.items()

    Then access the results by key:



    >>> dict_h
    {'NO2':                     datetime  value type description name
     0  2018-01-01 00:30:00+01:00   0.22  HLN   HigLowNot  NO2
     3  2018-01-01 00:30:00+01:00   1.80  AIS    AllinSep  NO2,
     'CO':                     datetime  value type description name
     1  2018-01-01 00:30:00+01:00   0.31  HLN  HighLowNot   CO
     4  2018-01-01 00:30:00+01:00   2.60  AIS    AllinSep   CO,
     'NO':                     datetime  value type description name
     2  2018-01-01 00:30:00+01:00   1.15  HLN  HighLowNot   NO
     5  2018-01-01 00:30:00+01:00   2.30  AIS    AllinSep   NO}
    >>> dict_h_subset
    {'NO2': description                AllinSep  HigLowNot
     2018-01-01 00:30:00+01:00       1.8       0.22,
     'CO': description                AllinSep  HighLowNot
     2018-01-01 00:30:00+01:00       2.6        0.31,
     'NO': description                AllinSep  HighLowNot
     2018-01-01 00:30:00+01:00       2.3        1.15}