I added folder dist from swagger-ui github and provide path to openapi.yaml in index.html
url: "/openapi/openapi.yaml"
Now I can see UI by the address http://localhost:63342/dropwizard-example/com/example/dropwizard/dist/index.html or access by the file index.html
How I can provide UI by my path? Something like: dropwizard-project-work.com:8080/dist
Maybe for someone will be useful. Move dist folder from swagger-ui to resources.
In folder dist find index.html and change option url to your path of openapi specification file
Add dropwizard-assets dependency
In initialize method add Bundle
public void initialize(Bootstrap<BasicConfiguration> bootstrap) {
bootstrap.addBundle(new AssetsBundle("/resoursePath", "/uriPath", "index.html"));
Now swagger UI available at localhost:{your port}/{applicationContextPath}/uriPath