#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
int check_authentication(char* password) {
int auth_flag = 0;
char* password_buffer;
char* dept;
password_buffer = (char*)malloc(16);
dept = (char*)malloc(10);
printf("Your department?");
fgets(dept, 10, stdin); //line 11
strcpy_s(password_buffer, 16, password); //line 12
if (strcmp(password_buffer, "AsiaPacificInst") == 0) {
if (strcmp(dept, "NSF") == 0) {
auth_flag = 1;
if (strcmp(password_buffer, "AsiaPacificUni") == 0) {
if (strcmp(dept, "TM") == 0) {
auth_flag = 1;
return auth_flag;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
char errmsg[512];
char outbuf[512];
char user[20];
printf("Username: ");
fgets(user, 20, stdin); //line 32
if (strcmp(user, "Adm1n") == 0) {
printf("Authorised User\n"); sprintf_s(errmsg, "Authorised User %400s", user); sprintf_s(outbuf, errmsg); //line 34
if (argc < 2)
printf("Usage: %s <password>\n", argv[0]); exit(0);
if (check_authentication(argv[1]))
printf(" Access Granted.\n");
else {
printf("\nAccess Denied.\n");
else { printf("Unauthorised User!!\n"); exit(0); }
I need help on to check whether the set of codes below has been written in the correct way as I'm not familiar with C++.
Because these line of codes had errors earlier when I got them from another source. However, I fixed those error yet on runtime the program did not work properly. The program actually should request for a username and password and verify whether the user is authorized using the username and verify the user's department using their password. However, I could only enter the username when I run the program. It did not request me a password. Also in overall is there any other issue that may cause the program to not run properly.
The program doesn't request password, because it expects it to be passed as an argument like this: 'c:\yourapp.exe yourpass'. If you want it to request a password, you should modify it a bit.
Add following lines before if (check_authentication(argv[1]))
line in your main function.
char password[16];
printf("Password: ");
fgets(password, 16, stdin);
Replace line if (check_authentication(argv[1]))
with if (check_authentication(password))
And delete or comment out following lines:
if (argc < 2)
printf("Usage: %s <password>\n", argv[0]); exit(0);
And finally please do not forget removing newlines after each fgets
Removing trailing newline character from fgets() input