I am using XCode 13 Beta 3 build 13A5192j on macOS Monterey (Version 12.0 Beta 21A5284e) with Visual Studio 2020 Preview.
When ever I am trying to run the Xamarin-Form application on real device, I am getting below error, but I am able to create archive :
Could not load the framework 'IBFoundation' (path: /Applications/XCode-beta.app/Contents/Frameworks/IBFoundation.framework/IBFoundation): not found.
I tried with visual studio 2019 (stable Version) and Xcode 12.* (stable version) but getting some connectivity error
Looks like it was issue with the Beta version of both softwares. I was using Beta version of MacOs (Monterey beta 4), Beta Version of XCode (XCode 13) and Preview Version of Visual Studio 2022 on Windows 11 Insider Preview.
When I removed the XCode 13 with xCode 12 then also it was showing same error. It worked when I removed Visual Studio 2022 Preview also.
So everything fine now with Windows 11 Insider Preview, Visaul Studio 2017 (Latest), XCode 12.5.1 and MacOs Monterey Beta.
Hope it will help someone if facing same issue as I was facing.