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How to fill in missing columns in Stargazer in R?

I am working with the lm command and the coeftest command. I want to put them together into a stargazer table. The problem is that the stargazer output is incomplete.

Here is what I have so far. The left side is the OLS model. On the right side is the OLS model passed through the coeftest command.

                         Dependent Variable:     
                     VAP Turnout (%)             
                           (1)            (2)    
X                         -0.010         -0.010  
                         (0.031)        (0.035)  
Constant                495.158***     495.158***
                         (17.493)       (20.561) 
Observations              1,000                  
Adjusted R2               -0.001                 
Residual Std. Error 287.218 (df = 998)           
Note:                 *p<0.1; **p<0.05; ***p<0.01
  1. How can I move VAP Turnout (%) back to the center in the stargazer table?
  2. How can I manually enter Observations, Adjusted R2, and Residual Std. Error into the blank area under model 2 (the OLS object passed through the coeftest command).

Thank you for your help!

Here is the code to reproduce the table:


#Set Seed

#Create Sample Data
X <- sample(seq(1, 1000), 1000, replace = T)
Y <- sample(seq(1, 1000), 1000, replace = T)
Cluster <- sample(letters, 1000, replace = T)

df <- data.frame(X, Y, Cluster)

#Model 1 - OLS
Base <- lm(Y ~ X, data = df)

#Model 2 - Coeftest
Coeff_Test <- coeftest(Base, vcovCL, cluster = df$Cluster)

#Stargazer table
stargazer(list(Base, Coeff_Test), type = "text",omit=c("Cluster"),
          model.names = FALSE,
          dep.var.caption = c("Dependent Variable:"),
          dep.var.labels   = c("VAP Turnout (%)"), #Write the DV Here
          omit.stat = c("f","rsq"))


  • Extract the standard errors and p-values from the coeftest using the tidy function in the broom package. From there, you can manually input both the standard errors and the p-values into the stargazer function using the se and p arguments.

    Note that when you use the NULL in the se and p arguments, it manually defaults to whatever object is listed in the corresponding position. In this case, we use it in the first position to default to the base object but input the standard errors and p-values manually into the second position.

    Lastly, since you are simply clustering the standard errors, the coefficients and model specification values stay the same. So, we can can put the corresponding model, the object base, into the second argument, so it feeds in the coefficients and model specification values while we override the se and p-values ourselves.

    #Set Seed
    #Create Sample Data
    X <- sample(seq(1, 1000), 1000, replace = T)
    Y <- sample(seq(1, 1000), 1000, replace = T)
    Cluster <- sample(letters, 1000, replace = T)
    df <- data.frame(X, Y, Cluster)
    #Model 1 - OLS
    Base <- lm(Y ~ X, data = df)
    #Model 2 - Coeftest
    Coeff_Test <- coeftest(Base, vcovCL, cluster = df$Cluster)
    #Make into a DF and extract the SE and P-Values
    Coeff_Test_DF <- tidy(Coeff_Test)
    #Stargazer table
    stargazer(list(Base, Base), type = "text",omit=c("Cluster"),
              model.names = FALSE,
              se = list(NULL, Coeff_Test_DF$std.error),
              p = list(NULL, Coeff_Test_DF$p.value),
              dep.var.caption = c("Dependent Variable:"),
              dep.var.labels   = c("VAP Turnout (%)"), #Write the DV Here
              omit.stat = c("f","rsq"))
    t test of coefficients:
                   Estimate  Std. Error t value            Pr(>|t|)    
    (Intercept) 495.1580645  20.5610666 24.0823 <0.0000000000000002 ***
    X            -0.0098368   0.0346685 -0.2837              0.7767    
                                       Dependent Variable:     
                                         VAP Turnout (%)       
                                        (1)            (2)     
    X                                  -0.010        -0.010    
                                      (0.031)        (0.035)   
    Constant                         495.158***    495.158***  
                                      (17.493)      (20.561)   
    Observations                       1,000          1,000    
    Adjusted R2                        -0.001        -0.001    
    Residual Std. Error (df = 998)    287.218        287.218   
    Note:                           *p<0.1; **p<0.05; ***p<0.01