I'm trying to convert infix like this:
to RPN ready Polish postfix notation format.
There is code for the purpose:
def toRPN(s):
kv = {"+": 1, "-": 1, "*": 2, "/": 2, "^": 2, "(": 0, ")": 3}
li = []
ops = ["+", "-", "*", "/", "(", ")", "^"]
result = ""
for i in s:
if i in ops:
if i == "(":
elif i == ")":
while len(li) > 0 and li[-1] != "(":
p = li.pop()
result += p
elif len(li) == 0 or kv[li[-1]] < kv[i]:
result += i
result += i
while len(li) > 0:
result += li.pop()
return result
Output for the given string is such: 196-2+3^+
But it's not correct output. Calculation of this expression will not be correct.
Expected output: 196-2^+3+
I can achieve this with parentheses of course: 1+((9-6)^2)+3
and output will be correct as expected: 196-2^+3+
. But I want to achieve behavior like in Chrome console (prioritize exponents without parentheses). Screenshot:
But I can't achieve such behavior.
Code for RPN calculation:
import operator
ops = {"+": operator.add, "-": operator.sub, "*": operator.mul, "/": operator.truediv, "^": operator.pow}
def evalRPN(s):
st = []
for tk in s:
if tk in ops:
b, a = st.pop(), st.pop()
r = ops[tk](a, b)
r = float(tk)
return st.pop()
I find out the converter generate incorrect expression for simple input even like this: 1+9-4
For such input it was generate RPN like this: 19-4+
when should: 19+4-
So with debugger I fixed the converter behavior with adding the following:
if len(li) and li[-1] not in ['(', ')']:
result += li.pop()
for the case when i
is not operator (on line 19).
And change priorities to {"+": 1, "-": 1, "*": 2, "/": 2, "^": 3, "(": 0, ")": 4}
So my code now:
def toRPN(s: str) -> str:
priority = {"+": 1, "-": 1, "*": 2, "/": 2, "^": 3, "(": 0, ")": 4}
li = []
ops = ["+", "-", "*", "/", "(", ")", "^"]
result = ""
for i in s:
if i in ops:
if i == "(":
elif i == ")":
while len(li) > 0 and li[-1] != "(":
p = li.pop()
result += p
elif len(li) == 0 or priority[li[-1]] < priority[i]:
result += i
result += i
if len(li) and li[-1] not in ['(', ')']:
result += li.pop()
while len(li) > 0:
result += li.pop()
return result
But after that change I got problems with some simple expressions like this "3+5/2"
. Before that "fix" it's worked right without parentheses. So my general question is how to fix the algorithm such that can handle all expressions correctly.
As @n-1-8e9-wheres-my-share-m said above, you don't have loop with pop operators with greater priority (or equal priority to left-associative). You do it for brackets only. I do not how small edit your code to correct but it is correct:
def toRPN(s: str) -> str:
priority = {"+": 1, "-": 1, "*": 2, "/": 2, "^": 3, "(": -1, ")": 0}
right_associative_operators = {"^"}
li = []
ops = ["+", "-", "*", "/", "(", ")", "^"]
result = ""
for i in s:
if i in ops:
if i == "(":
while li and (
priority[li[-1]] > priority[i] or
priority[li[-1]] == priority[i] and i not in right_associative_operators
result += li.pop()
if i == ')':
result += i
while li:
result += li.pop()
return result
I set priority["("]
as -1 and priority[")"]
as 0 to don't write a separate loop for brackets and other operators.
This condition:
priority[li[-1]] == priority[i] and i not in right_associative_operators
to correct work with right-associative operators. If it is unnecessary then you can use simpler the condition:
while li and priority[li[-1]] >= priority[i]:
Some outputs:
toRPN('1+(9-6)^2+3') = '196-2^+3+'
toRPN('1+9-4') = '19+4-'
toRPN('2^3^4') = '234^^'
toRPN('1+2+3+4') = '12+3+4+'