I have a source.txt
file like below containing two columns of data. The format of the columns of source.txt include [
(square bracket) as shown in my source.txt
[hot] [water]
[16] [boots and, juice]
and I have another target.txt
file and contain empty lines plus full stops at the end of each line:
the weather is today (foo) but we still have (bar).
= (
the next bus leaves at (foo) pm, we can't forget to take the (bar).
I want to do replace foo
of each nth line of target.txt
with the "respective contents" of the first column of source.txt
, and also replace bar
of each nth line of target.txt
with the "respective contents" of the second column of source. txt
i tried to search other sources and understand how i would do it, at first i already have a command that i use to replace "replace each nth occurrence of 'foo' by numerically respective nth line of a supplied file" but i couldn't adapt it:
awk 'NR==FNR {a[NR]=$0; next} /foo/{gsub("foo", a[++i])} 1' source.txt target.txt > output.txt;
I remember seeing a way to use gsub with containing two columns of data but I don't remember what exactly the difference was.
EDIT POST: sometimes read with some symbols between them =
and (
and )
within the target.txt text. I added this symbol as some answers will not work if these symbols are in the target.txt
Note: the number of target.txt
lines and therefore the number of occurrences of bar
and foo
in this file can vary, I just showed a sample. But the number of occurrences of both foo
and bar
in each row is 1 respectively.
With your shown samples, please try following answer. Written and tested in GNU awk
awk -F'\\[|\\] \\[|\\]' '
' source.txt FS=" " target.txt
Explanation: Adding detailed explanation for above.
awk -F'\\[|\\] \\[|\\]' ' ##Setting field separator as [ OR ] [ OR ] here.
FNR==NR{ ##Checking condition FNR==NR which will be TRUE when source.txt will be read.
foo[FNR]=$2 ##Creating foo array with index of FNR and value of 2nd field here.
bar[FNR]=$3 ##Creating bar array with index of FNR and value of 3rd field here.
next ##next will skip all further statements from here.
NF{ ##If line is NOT empty then do following.
gsub(/\<foo\>/,foo[++count]) ##Globally substituting foo with array foo value, whose index is count.
gsub(/\<bar\>/,bar[count]) ##Globally substituting bar with array of bar with index of count.
1 ##printing line here.
' source.txt FS=" " target.txt ##Mentioning Input_files names here.
EDIT: Adding following solution also which will handle n number of occurrences of [...]
in source and matching them at target file also. Since this is a working solution for OP(confirmed in comments) adding this in here. Also fair warning this will fail when source.txt contains a &.
awk '
' source.txt target.txt