I am trying to unzip files in my android (11) phone with ADB from the terminal (Ubuntu 20.04). I need to run a script from my Ubuntu laptop to unzip files on my phone.
I have already tried Busybox from this suggestion. With this app, I can unzip files after accessing the shell. I mean -
$ adb shell
a60q:/ $ cd /sdcard/
a60q:/sdcard $ unzip data.zip
Archive: data.zip
inflating: Screenshot from 2020-11-30 16-45-46 (7th copy).png
inflating: Screenshot from 2020-11-30 16-45-46 (10th copy).png
But when I try to use the direct command, it shows an error.
$ adb shell unzip /sdcard/data.zip
unzip: couldn't create file Screenshot from 2020-11-30 16-45-46 (7th copy).png: Read-only file system
Archive: /sdcard/data.zip
Rooting phone isn't an option. My questions are -
In order to successfully invoke the unzip
command from the terminal you should explicitly specify the folder where the zip's content will be extracted, for instance:
adb shell unzip /sdcard/data.zip -d /sdcard
By invoking unzip --help
you will get more information on the other parameters available as well.