My data looks like this:
Coln_A Coln_B
Row_1 12 22000
Row_2 40 25000
Row_3 34 27000
Row_4 21 35000
Row_5 32 53000
Row_6 41 36000
Row_7 17 64000
I am trying to subtract the values of 'shifted 2 rows down Coln_B' with 'Coln_A'.
import pandas as pd
cars = {'Coln_A': [12,40,34,21,32,41,17],
'Coln_B': [22000,25000,27000,35000,53000,36000,64000]
df = pd.DataFrame(cars, columns = ['Coln_A','Coln_B'],
# Shifting Coln_B 2 rows down
df['Coln_B'] = df['Coln_B'].shift(2)
# Subtracting Coln_B with Coln_A
df['New']= df['Coln_B']- df[ 'Coln_A']
print (df)
Here is the output and it works. But is there a better/shorter way to solve this with pandas ?
Coln_A Coln_B New
Row_1 12 NaN NaN
Row_2 40 NaN NaN
Row_3 34 22000.0 21966.0
Row_4 21 25000.0 24979.0
Row_5 32 27000.0 26968.0
Row_6 41 35000.0 34959.0
Row_7 17 53000.0 52983.0
You can use assign. But this is just synctactic sugar for doing what you already do (and that is likely the most efficient way):
Coln_A Coln_B New
Row_1 12 NaN NaN
Row_2 40 NaN NaN
Row_3 34 22000.0 21966.0
Row_4 21 25000.0 24979.0
Row_5 32 27000.0 26968.0
Row_6 41 35000.0 34959.0
Row_7 17 53000.0 52983.0