I want to do trajectory optimization with the Atlas robot model in Drake. Fallow the litterdog example and this repository, I tried the jump motion optimization here. Basically, I changed the in_stance
sequence, added Initial guess
of q
, and added a different q_cost
But it seems hard to get the optimal solution, the SNOPT output is:
SNOPTA EXIT 10 -- the problem appears to be infeasible
SNOPTA INFO 13 -- nonlinear infeasibilities minimized
Here is a video to show the optimized trajectory.
I have some thoughts to explore the way to improve the solution:
and z
axis angular_momentum and leave the y
axis angular_momentum unconstrained.I am not sure which one I should do first, or did I missed something important that the problem cannot be solved?
Thanks for your advice!
Thanks for your quick reply @Hongkai Dai. I checked for the matlab version and find the discussion at here and the testJump.m
I have added an initial guess of q
by using the InverseKinematics
class. Will try to add contact force trajectory and CoM trajectory initial guess too.
And in the testJump.m
, is this your initial guess? It is not a kinematic trajectory initial guess, right?
x_seed = zeros(cdfkp.num_vars,1);
x_seed(cdfkp.h_inds) = 0.06;
x_seed(cdfkp.q_inds(:)) = reshape(bsxfun(@times,qstar,ones(1,nT)),[],1);
x_seed(cdfkp.com_inds(:)) = reshape(bsxfun(@times,com_star,ones(1,nT)),[],1);
x_seed(cdfkp.lambda_inds{1}(:)) = reshape(bsxfun(@times,1/num_edges*ones(num_edges,4,1),ones(1,1,nT)),[],1);
x_seed(cdfkp.lambda_inds{2}(:)) = reshape(bsxfun(@times,1/num_edges*ones(num_edges,4,1),ones(1,1,nT)),[],1);
, it returns the list of violated constraints, and then you can try to relax/remove the constraints. You can call prog.RemoveConstraint()
function to remove a constraint, or relaxing the constraint bounds by using constraint.UpdateLowerBound()
, constraint.UpdateUpperBound()
.For Atlas jumping motion, we do have a Matlab implementation. If you check out the old matlab version of Drake, then in the folder drake/matlab/solvers/trajectoryOptimization/dev/testJump.m, it implements trajectory optimization for Atlas jumping up motion, using the idea in this paper
In testJump.m, I didn't use a kinematic trajectory as initial guess. I computed a initial posture of the robot standing on the ground, with contact forces uniformly distributed on each leg.
There are other nuances in testJump.m:
method in MathematicalProgram