I basically need a function in Clojure like rounds-to-int?
which does the equivalent of this:
1.000001234 => 1.00
(rounds-to-int? 1) => true
(rounds-to-int? 1.234) => false
(rounds-to-int? 1.01) => false
(rounds-to-int? -1.01) => false
(rounds-to-int? 1.001) => true
(rounds-to-int? -1.001) => true
(rounds-to-int? 1.005) => false
(rounds-to-int? 1.004) => true
Any suggestions appreciated!
Here is the solution I came up with, and ended up using.
(defn rounds-to-int?
(let [rounded (.setScale (bigdec value) 2 java.math.RoundingMode/HALF_UP)]
(== (int rounded) rounded)))