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PhpStorm back navigation broken on Ubuntu 20.04

I have had issues in the past where the PhpStorm shortcut for jumping back a step (Ctrl + Alt + [direction key]) wasn't working. And each time, I'd follow the following issue and remove the Linux shortcut key which was conflicting with PhpStorm.

However, I recently upgraded to Linux 20.04. I reviewed the Linux keyboard shortcut list over and over and can not find one which has this conflicting shortcut key!

To add more confusion, when I looked at my shortcut list in PhpStorm, under the shortcut listing for "Main Menu -> Navigate -> Back/Forward", it listed Alt + Shift + Left/Right. When I tried to add Ctrl + Alt + Left/Right, it didn't actually let me add it!

Any help is welcome.

enter image description here


  • Following Ubuntu 18.04 conflict with Intellij back/forward navigation, I did the following and it fixed the issue.

    gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings switch-to-workspace-left "['']"
    gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings switch-to-workspace-right "['']"

    I still am super confused, because I don't see any Workspace Left or Workspace Right entries in my keyboard shortcut settings.... but it worked.