I have a list with a set of dataframes called 'a' and the structure is as shown in the following picture
I have another list with a set of dataframes called 'b' and having the same names as in 'a' and the structure is as shown in the following picture
i would like to combine the two dataframes in two lists as per their names into one list with dataframes.
for this, I am using the following code
c <- Map(cbind, a, b)
but, the code is not working as it is giving the following output
the expected output will look very similar to as shown in the following picture
for instance in a list of length 49, a dataframe with 241 rows and 14 columns
I don't know what is the issue with the code...... looking to solve this problem I have tried all the options avalibale in stactoverflow to solve the problem
the problem is with the structure of the two dataframes are different and the problem is solved by converting the structure of two lists into the same structure.
i have converted the structure of list 'b' into tibble as
b <- tibble::as_tibble(b)
then we can use the code as following
c <- Map(cbind, a, b)
this has worked solved my problem