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Example of gtkmm 4 FileChooserNative code

I can't find code examples using Gtk::FileChooserNative to help me understand how to work with this class. Documentation from here isn't that helpful.

My goal is to create a function which opens a native file chooser dialog and after the user selects the folder, prints the path to the folder into a terminal.

When I try to compile this:

void MyWindow::on_button_browse_clicked()
    Gtk::FileChooserNative dialog ("Please choose a folder", 

I get the following error:

error: calling a protected constructor of class 'Gtk::FileChooserNative'

How can I create a Gtk::FileChooserNative?


  • I don't have Gtkmm 4 here, but from the documentation you posted, it seems you need to use a factory method instead of a constructor to create such a dialog:

    static Glib::RefPtr<FileChooserNative> Gtk::FileChooserNative::create(
            const Glib::ustring& title,
            Window&              parent,
            FileChooser::Action  action,
            const Glib::ustring& accept_label = {},
            const Glib::ustring& cancel_label = {} 

    In your case, something like:

    void MyWindow::on_button_browse_clicked()
        auto dialog = Gtk::FileChooserNative::create("Please choose a folder",  
                                                     Gtk::FileChooser::Action::SELECT_FOLDER ,