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UserDefaults How can I get my own saved keys?

I tried this code but it brings me all keys saved except me. How can I get my own saved keys?

 print("UD: \(UserDefaults.standard.dictionaryRepresentation().keys) \n")


enter image description here

The key I saved is "Ağustos Test 1". How can I get only this key?


  • You cannot "get" from user defaults just the keys for user defaults entries that you created in code. What's in your user defaults is what's in your user defaults; it doesn't have any way of distinguishing "who" created a particular entry.

    Knowing the keys you added is your business. Typically this information is hard-coded into your app, e.g. you have a list of constants, usually as static properties of an enum or struct. If you are creating keys dynamically, then if you need to know the names of the keys you created, storing that information is entirely up to you.