I have a Django application where I am using AJAX to do a post when submitting a form. My issue is what do I set the URL to in my JavaScript?
JavaScript snippet:
url: "search/do_post/", // the endpoint
type: "POST", // http method
data : {
relevancy: relevancy,
report_id: report_id,
query: query_text,
urls.py snippet:
path("search/do_post/", do_post_view, name="do_post"),
My issue is that sometimes the above works and sometimes it does not. When it doesn't I get:
POST http://localhost:1227/search/search/do_post/ 404 (Not Found)
When I see that I then remove the search part from the url in my JavaScript. Sometimes that works and sometimes not.
Any suggestions?
You should start with a leading slash to define an absolute path, otherwise the request is send to a path relative to the current one, so /search
instead of :search
url: "/search/do_post/",
// …
you can also work with a {% url … %}
template tag [Django-doc] which is more convenient:
url: "{% url 'do_post' %}",
// …