I am trying to use a timer and fill the screen with color. To put it simply: I am getting the screen height with \ (UIScreen.main.bounds.height) and divide it with selectedTime, let's say \ (120)seconds. Problem occurs here: the screen fills up with roundly 232, not 844.0 screen size and it fills up in 32 seconds instead of 120 seconds. I'm probably missing something. Relevant code section:
.onChange(of: secondsToMinutesAndSeconds(seconds: timerManager.secondsLeft), perform: { waveTime in
let selectedCircularValue = availableMinutes[self.selectedCircularIndex] * 60
let heightProgress = CGFloat(UIScreen.main.bounds.height / CGFloat(selectedCircularValue))
if timerManager.screenHeightChanged < UIScreen.main.bounds.height {
timerManager.screenHeightChanged += CGFloat(heightProgress)
withAnimation(.linear) {
self.colorSize = CGFloat(Double(timerManager.screenHeightChanged))
} else {
timerManager.screenHeightChanged = 0
Progress output
{ seconds 120
screenHeight 844.0
estimatedTime screen / seconds -> (7.033333333333333)
progress 14.066666666666666
progress 225.06666666666663
progress 232.09999999999997
Finally, is it possible to make the animation smooth?
UIScreen can be quite annoying in my experience. Try using GeometryReader instead, it works much better when dealing with SwiftUI views. Wrap the view like this
GeometryReader { geo in
.frame(width: .infinity, height: .infinity) //may not need this
Then Whenever you want the size of the view just use geo.size.width
or geo.size.height
For the animation, use the withAnimation
function in conjunction with a modifier like .animation(.linear)
As you haven't shared a minimal reproducible example, I can't share a complete solution or test my solution for your case.