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Flattening deeply nested JSON into pandas data frame

I am trying to import a deeply nested JSON into pandas dataframe. Here is the structure of the JSON file (this is only the first record (retweets[:1]):

[{'lang': 'en',
  'author_id': '1076979440372965377',
  'reply_settings': 'everyone',
  'entities': {'mentions': [{'start': 3,
     'end': 17,
     'username': 'Terry81987010',
     'url': '',
     'location': 'Florida',
     'entities': {'description': {'hashtags': [{'start': 29,
         'end': 32,
         'tag': '2A'}]}},
     'created_at': '2019-02-01T23:01:11.000Z',
     'protected': False,
     'public_metrics': {'followers_count': 520,
      'following_count': 567,
      'tweet_count': 34376,
      'listed_count': 1},
     'name': "Terry's Take",
     'verified': False,
     'id': '1091471553437593605',
     'description': 'Less government more Freedom #2A is a constitutional right. Trump2020, common sense rules, God bless America! Vet 82nd Airborne F/A, proud Republican',
     'profile_image_url': ''},
    {'start': 19,
     'end': 32,
     'username': 'DineshDSouza',
     'location': 'United States',
     'entities': {'url': {'urls': [{'start': 0,
         'end': 23,
         'expanded_url': '',
         'display_url': '…'}]},
      'description': {'urls': [{'start': 80,
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         'display_url': '…'}]}},
     'created_at': '2009-11-22T22:32:41.000Z',
     'protected': False,
     'public_metrics': {'followers_count': 1748832,
      'following_count': 5355,
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     'name': "Dinesh D'Souza",
     'verified': True,
     'pinned_tweet_id': '1393309917239562241',
     'id': '91882544',
     'description': "I am an author, filmmaker, and host of the Dinesh D'Souza Podcast.\n\nSubscribe: ",
     'profile_image_url': ''}]},
  'conversation_id': '1253462541881106433',
  'created_at': '2020-04-23T23:15:32.000Z',
  'id': '1253462541881106433',
  'possibly_sensitive': False,
  'referenced_tweets': [{'type': 'retweeted',
    'id': '1253052684489437184',
    'in_reply_to_user_id': '91882544',
    'attachments': {'media_keys': ['3_1253052312144293888',
     'media': [{}, {}]},
    'entities': {'annotations': [{'start': 126,
       'end': 128,
       'probability': 0.514,
       'type': 'Organization',
       'normalized_text': 'CDC'},
      {'start': 145,
       'end': 146,
       'probability': 0.5139,
       'type': 'Place',
       'normalized_text': 'NY'}],
     'mentions': [{'start': 0,
       'end': 13,
       'username': 'DineshDSouza',
       'location': 'United States',
       'entities': {'url': {'urls': [{'start': 0,
           'end': 23,
           'expanded_url': '',
           'display_url': '…'}]},
        'description': {'urls': [{'start': 80,
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       'created_at': '2009-11-22T22:32:41.000Z',
       'protected': False,
       'public_metrics': {'followers_count': 1748832,
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       'name': "Dinesh D'Souza",
       'verified': True,
       'pinned_tweet_id': '1393309917239562241',
       'id': '91882544',
       'description': "I am an author, filmmaker, and host of the Dinesh D'Souza Podcast.\n\nSubscribe:  ",
       'profile_image_url': ''}],
     'urls': [{'start': 187,
       'end': 210,
       'expanded_url': '',
       'display_url': ''},
      {'start': 187,
       'end': 210,
       'expanded_url': '',
       'display_url': ''}]},
    'lang': 'en',
    'author_id': '1091471553437593605',
    'reply_settings': 'everyone',
    'conversation_id': '1253050942716551168',
    'created_at': '2020-04-22T20:06:55.000Z',
    'possibly_sensitive': False,
    'referenced_tweets': [{'type': 'replied_to', 'id': '1253050942716551168'}],
    'public_metrics': {'retweet_count': 208,
     'reply_count': 57,
     'like_count': 402,
     'quote_count': 38},
    'source': 'Twitter Web App',
    'text': "@DineshDSouza Here's some proof of artificially inflating the cv deaths. Noone is dying of pneumonia anymore according to the CDC. And of course NY getting paid for each cv death $60,000",
    'context_annotations': [{'domain': {'id': '10',
       'name': 'Person',
       'description': 'Named people in the world like Nelson Mandela'},
      'entity': {'id': '1138120064119369729', 'name': "Dinesh D'Souza"}},
     {'domain': {'id': '35',
       'name': 'Politician',
       'description': 'Politicians in the world, like Joe Biden'},
      'entity': {'id': '1138120064119369729', 'name': "Dinesh D'Souza"}}],
    'author': {'url': '',
     'username': 'Terry81987010',
     'location': 'Florida',
     'entities': {'description': {'hashtags': [{'start': 29,
         'end': 32,
         'tag': '2A'}]}},
     'created_at': '2019-02-01T23:01:11.000Z',
     'protected': False,
     'public_metrics': {'followers_count': 520,
      'following_count': 567,
      'tweet_count': 34376,
      'listed_count': 1},
     'name': "Terry's Take",
     'verified': False,
     'id': '1091471553437593605',
     'description': 'Less government more Freedom #2A is a constitutional right. Trump2020, common sense rules, God bless America! Vet 82nd Airborne F/A, proud Republican',
     'profile_image_url': ''},
    'in_reply_to_user': {'username': 'DineshDSouza',
     'location': 'United States',
     'entities': {'url': {'urls': [{'start': 0,
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      'description': {'urls': [{'start': 80,
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     'created_at': '2009-11-22T22:32:41.000Z',
     'protected': False,
     'public_metrics': {'followers_count': 1748832,
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     'name': "Dinesh D'Souza",
     'verified': True,
     'pinned_tweet_id': '1393309917239562241',
     'id': '91882544',
     'description': "I am an author, filmmaker, and host of the Dinesh D'Souza Podcast.\n\nSubscribe:  ",
     'profile_image_url': ''}}],
  'public_metrics': {'retweet_count': 208,
   'reply_count': 0,
   'like_count': 0,
   'quote_count': 0},
  'source': 'Twitter for iPhone',
  'text': "RT @Terry81987010: @DineshDSouza Here's some proof of artificially inflating the cv deaths. Noone is dying of pneumonia anymore according t…",
  'context_annotations': [{'domain': {'id': '10',
     'name': 'Person',
     'description': 'Named people in the world like Nelson Mandela'},
    'entity': {'id': '1138120064119369729', 'name': "Dinesh D'Souza"}},
   {'domain': {'id': '35',
     'name': 'Politician',
     'description': 'Politicians in the world, like Joe Biden'},
    'entity': {'id': '1138120064119369729', 'name': "Dinesh D'Souza"}}],
  'author': {'url': '',
   'username': 'set1952',
   'location': 'Etats-Unis',
   'created_at': '2018-12-23T23:14:42.000Z',
   'protected': False,
   'public_metrics': {'followers_count': 103,
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   'name': 'SunSet1952',
   'verified': False,
   'id': '1076979440372965377',
   'description': '',
   'profile_image_url': ''},
  '__twarc': {'url': '',
   'version': '2.0.8',
   'retrieved_at': '2021-05-17T17:13:17+00:00'}},

Here is my code:

retweets = []
for line in open('Data/usersRetweetsFlatten_sample.json', 'r'):

df = json_normalize(
    retweets, 'referenced_tweets', ['referenced_tweets', 'type'],
    meta_prefix= ".",
df[['author_id',  'type', '.type', 'id', 'in_reply_to_user_id', 'referenced_tweets']].head()

Here is the resulting dataframe:

enter image description here

As you can see, the column referenced_tweets is not flattened yet (please note that there are two different referenced_tweets arrays in my JSON file: one is in a deeper level insdide the other "referenced_tweets"). For example, the one at the higher level return this:

 >>> retweets[0]["referenced_tweets"][0]["type"]

and the one in the deeper level return this:

>>> retweets[0]["referenced_tweets"][0]["referenced_tweets"][0]["type"]

QUESTION: I was wondering how I can flatten the deeper referenced_tweets. I want to have two separate columns as referenced_tweets.type and, where the value of the column referenced_tweets.type in the above example should be replied_to.


  • I think the issue here is that your data is double nested... there is a key referenced_tweets within referenced_tweets.

    import json
    from pandas import json_normalize
    with open("flatten.json", "r") as file:
        data = json.load(file)
    df = json_normalize(
        record_path=["referenced_tweets", "referenced_tweets"],
            # ["author", "username"], # not possible
            # "author", # possible but not useful
            ["referenced_tweets", "id"],
            ["referenced_tweets", "type"],
            ["referenced_tweets", "in_reply_to_user_id"],
            ["referenced_tweets", "in_reply_to_user", "username"], 

    enter image description here

    See also:

    Note: Above code will fail if second nested referenced_tweet is missing.

    Edit: Alternatively you could further normalize your data (which you already partly normalized with your code) in your question with an additional manual iteration. See example below. Note: Code is not optimized and may be slow depending on the amount of data.

    # load your `data` with `json.load()` or `json.loads()`
    df = json_normalize(
        meta=["referenced_tweets", "type"],
        meta_prefix= ".",
    columns = [*df.columns, "_type", "_id"]
    normalized_data = []
    def append(row, type, id):
        normalized_row = [*row.to_list(), type, id]
    for _, row in df.iterrows():
        # a list/array is expected
        if type(row["referenced_tweets"]) is list:
            for tweet in row["referenced_tweets"]:
                append(row, tweet["type"], tweet["id"])
            # if empty list
                append(row, None, None)
            append(row, None, None)
    enhanced_df = pd.DataFrame(data=normalized_data, columns=columns)
    enhanced_df.drop("referenced_tweets", 1)

    enter image description here

    Edit 2: referenced_tweets should be an array. However, if there is no referenced tweet, the Twitter API seems to omit referenced_tweets completely. In that case, the cell value is NaN (float) instead of an empty list. I updated the code above to take that into account.