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Flutter web redirect user if not authentiacted

I have a GetMaterialApp with named routes to be used in Flutter web for a dashboard project. However, I am struggling to check whether the user is authenticated and redirect the user depending on the auth state. This is my App Code:

      initialBinding: InitialBinding(),
      debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
      theme: CustomTheme().getLightTheme,
      themeMode: ThemeMode.light,
      title: "----------",
      initialRoute: "/login",
      unknownRoute: GetPage(name: "/notfound", page: () => NotFoundPage()),
      getPages: [
        GetPage(name: "/login", page: () => Root()),
        GetPage(name: "/dashboard", page: () => Dashboard()),

I am using GetX to handle the authentication state. Therefore, I have access to the authentication state throughout the web app. The Root widget consists of a simple Obx to check the authentication state and send the user to the dashboard:

return Obx(() => (Get.find<AuthController>().loggedIn) ? Dashboard() : LoginScreen());

Sadly, that does not do the trick, as the url does not change, simply the content does. The url remains at /login.

I could simply call Get.toNamed("dashboard") when the user is logged in, but then the dashboard page would be exposed to the url, allowing the user to reach the /dashboard url even if he is not logged in.

I also do not want to create a check in every Widget or page I create, since that would be inefficient. Is there a way to check whether the user is logged in and, if not, redirect the user to the login page on every url entered?


Is there a way to generally check the auth-state and redirect the user accordingly using GetX?

Side Note: I am able to get the correct authentication state every time, that is not the problem, as I use GetX.

Short Summary: Is it possible to check the auth state outside the actual widget (e.g. in the GetMaterialApp) and redirect any not-authenticated users to the login page, even if they type in the /dashboard url?


  • Use middleware for check if user is authenticated or not

          initialBinding: InitialBinding(),
          debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
          theme: CustomTheme().getLightTheme,
          themeMode: ThemeMode.light,
          title: "----------",
          initialRoute: "/dashboard",
          unknownRoute: GetPage(name: "/notfound", page: () => NotFoundPage()),
          getPages: [
            GetPage(name: "/login", page: () => Root()),
            GetPage(name: "/dashboard", page: () => Dashboard(), middleware: [AuthMiddleware()]),
    class AuthMiddlware extends Middlware {
       RouteSetting? redirect(String? route) => !isAuthenticated ? RouteSetting(name="/login") : null;