I use the following function to fetch data from an api, however what I am struggling to do is timing out the function when the set time runs out.
My objective:
-I want the following code to wait for some time, e.g. 10 seconds and if 10 seconds have passed, I want it to continue with other functions and work i.e. not keep on waiting. For that I am using dispatchgroup wait method. However it is not working as intended. How do I adjust the following to achieve that?.
class ViewController: UIViewController {
var myArr = [testing]()
let dispatchGROUP=DispatchGroup()
. . .}
@objc func warmUp(url: String, u: String, p: String){
let waitResult = dispatchGROUP.wait(timeout: .now() + 10)
AF.request(url, method: .get)
.authenticate(username: u, password: p)
.response { [weak self] response in
guard let safeData = response.data else {self?.sArr.append("0")/*; self?.warm.leave()*/; print("0 sent"); print(url,u,p); return}
let xml = XML.parse(safeData)
let sid = xml.Response.SID.text ?? ""
// self?.dispatchGROUP.leave()
if waitResult == .success{
}else if waitResult == .timedOut{
stackoverflow.com/a/61192412/1801544 Please set timeout interval, I believe this is what you want