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How change color of dotted line in mxgraph

I want to change the color of dotted line from black to red when we drag a vertex

Question: I want to change dotted line color to red from black while drag

Here is how it appears on drag

enter image description here

I tried to find the dashed color on drag in mxConstants but i did not find it

function main(container)
            // Checks if the browser is supported
            if (!mxClient.isBrowserSupported())
                // Displays an error message if the browser is not supported.
                mxUtils.error('Browser is not supported!', 200, false);
                // Disables the built-in context menu
                // Creates the graph inside the given container
                var graph = new mxGraph(container);

                // Enables rubberband selection
                new mxRubberband(graph);
                // Gets the default parent for inserting new cells. This
                // is normally the first child of the root (ie. layer 0).
                var parent = graph.getDefaultParent();
                // Adds cells to the model in a single step
                    var v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'Hello,', 20, 20, 80, 30);

                    // Updates the display

    <title>Toolbar example for mxGraph</title>

    <script type="text/javascript">
        mxBasePath = '';
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src="./app.js"></script>

<body onload="main(document.getElementById('graphContainer'))">

    <div id="graphContainer">



Please help me thanks in advance!!!


  • Based on this you can do that by below code:

    mxGraphHandler.prototype.previewColor = 'red';

    Working snippet:

    function main(container)
          mxGraphHandler.prototype.previewColor = 'red';
                // Checks if the browser is supported
                if (!mxClient.isBrowserSupported())
                    // Displays an error message if the browser is not supported.
                    mxUtils.error('Browser is not supported!', 200, false);
                    // Disables the built-in context menu
                    // Creates the graph inside the given container
                    var graph = new mxGraph(container);
                    // Enables rubberband selection
                    new mxRubberband(graph);
                    // Gets the default parent for inserting new cells. This
                    // is normally the first child of the root (ie. layer 0).
                    var parent = graph.getDefaultParent();
                    // Adds cells to the model in a single step
                        var v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'Hello,', 20, 20, 80, 30);
                        // Updates the display
        <title>Toolbar example for mxGraph</title>
        <script type="text/javascript">
            mxBasePath = '';
        <script src=""></script>
        <script src="./app.js"></script>
    <body onload="main(document.getElementById('graphContainer'))">
        <div id="graphContainer">