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How to embed a message in a command base

I am using WOK's advanced command handler and I just want the final message that will be returned to be an embed.

I am working on a specific test command where I type the prefix (for example !) when I run !add 5 10 I want the bot to ping me so it says @Ping , 5 + 10 = 15.

I want to solve 2 things:

  1. I don't want the comma after the ping
  2. I want the message that appears on discord to be an embed.

Here is the code for the command base:

const Discord = require('discord.js')
const { prefix } = require('../config.json')

const validatePermissions = (permissions) => {
    const validPermissions = [

    for (const permission of permissions) {
        if (!validPermissions.includes(permission)) {
            throw new Error(`Unknown permission node "${permission}"`)

module.exports = (client, commandOptions) => {
    let {
        expectedArgs = '',
        permissionError = 'You do not have the permission to run this command.',
        minArgs = 0,
        maxArgs = null,
        permissions = [],
        requiredRoles = [],
    } = commandOptions

    if (typeof commands === 'string') {
        commands = [commands]

    console.log(`Registering the "${commands[0]}" command!`)

    if (permissions.length) {
        if (typeof permissions === 'string') {
            permissions = [permissions]


    client.on('message', (message) => {
        const { member, content, guild } = message

        for (const alias of commands) {
            const command = `${prefix}${alias.toLowerCase()}`

      if (
        content.toLowerCase().startsWith(`${command} `) ||
        content.toLowerCase() === command
      ) {

        for (const permission of permissions) {
          if (!member.hasPermission(permission)) {

                for (const requiredRole of requiredRoles) {
                    const role = guild.roles.cache.find((role) => === requiredRole)

                    if (!role || !member.roles.cache.has( {
                        message.reply(`You must have the "${requiredRole}" role to use this command.`)

                const arguments = content.split(/[ ]+/)


                if (arguments.length < minArgs || (
                    maxArgs !== null && arguments.length > maxArgs
                )) {
                    const embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
                    embed.setTitle(`Incorrect syntax! Use ${prefix}${alias} ${expectedArgs}`)

                callback(message, arguments, arguments.join(' '), client) 


And here is the code for the specific add command:

module.exports = {
    commands: ['add', 'addition'],
    expectedArgs: '<num1> <num2>',
    permissionError: 'You do not have the permission to run this command.',
    minArgs: 2,
    maxArgs: 2,
    callback: (message, arguments, text) => {
        const num1 = +arguments[0]
        const num2 = +arguments[1]

        message.reply(`${num1} + ${num2} = ${num1 + num2}`)
    permissions: ['SEND_MESSAGES'],
    requiredRoles: ['.𝐄𝐗𝐄 ₪ | 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐞𝐝'],

Please advise.


  • require discord.js in your function and use Discord.MessageEmbed() to create the embed.

    To ping the user who ran the command use <@${}>

    module.exports = {
        commands: ['add', 'addition'],
        expectedArgs: '<num1> <num2>',
        permissionError: 'You do not have the permission to run this command.',
        minArgs: 2,
        maxArgs: 2,
        callback: (message, arguments, text) => {
            const Discord = require("discord.js")
            const num1 = +arguments[0]
            const num2 = +arguments[1]
            const addEmbed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
              .setTitle(`<@${}> ${num1} + ${num2} = ${num1 + num2}`)
        permissions: ['SEND_MESSAGES'],
        requiredRoles: ['.𝐄𝐗𝐄 ₪ | 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐞𝐝'],