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Rhino Mocks Returning a stub?

Is the following possible -

var stub1 = MockRepository.GenerateStub<stub1>();
var stub2 = MockRepository.GenerateStub<stub2>();

int returnValue = 1;

stub2.Stub(x => x.stub2Method(Arg<int>.Is.Anything).Return(returnValue).Repeat.Once();
Stub1.Stub(x =>x.stub1Method(Arg<int>.Is.Anything)).Repeat.Once().Return(stub2);

i.e. can a stub with expectations be returned from a stub?

In my code, when stub2.stub2Method is called from stub1.stub1Method, null is returned instead of returnValue.

Any idea why?


  • Yes, though it may depend on what you are stubbing out.

    As an example the following works:

    public class Class1
        public virtual IClass2 Stub1Method()
            throw new NotImplementedException();
    public interface IClass2
        int StubMethod2();
    public class UnitTest1
        public void TestMethod1()
            var stub1 = MockRepository.GenerateStub<Class1>();
            var stub2 = MockRepository.GenerateStub<IClass2>();
            var expected = 1;
            stub2.Stub(s => s.StubMethod2()).Repeat.Once().Return(1);
            stub1.Stub(s => s.Stub1Method()).Return(stub2).Repeat.Once();
            var result = stub1.Stub1Method().StubMethod2();
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, result);