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How to change order of boxplots when using ggplot2?

This question follows from this other one. I was unable to implement answers there.


df2 <- data.frame(variable=rep(c("vnu.shr","vph.shr"),each=10),


qplot(variable,value, data=df2,geom="boxplot")+

I would like to have the boxplots in the reverse order (e.g. one in right on left and so on).

I have tried various ways of reordering the factors using levels, ordered, relevel, rev and so on, but I simply cannot seem to get the syntax right.


  • Have you tried this:

    df2$variable <- factor(df2$variable,
        levels = c('vph.shr','vnu.shr'),ordered = TRUE)

    I just picked an ordering there, since my system is configured slightly differently than yours I suspect, so my 'default ordering' may differ. But you can just switch the position of levels when specifying them.

    A few other options, depend on your tastes:

    For just reversing the current ordering:

    factor(df2$variable,levels = rev(levels(df2$variable)),ordered = TRUE)

    or you can use subsetting to specify a specific ordering if you don't want to type out each level by hand:

    factor(df2$variable,levels = levels(df2$variable)[1:2],ordered = TRUE)