I have an Html page with cards this is my jade code:
div(id="myModal" + i class="modal")
span(class="close" onclick="closeMoviePopup(#{i})") ×
h2= movie.name
a(href="sodaplayer:?url=" + movie.magnet_link + "&title=" + movie.name onclick="(function(){ document.getElementById('myModal#{i}').style.display = 'none'; })();return true;") Stream
function closeMoviePopup(index) {
document.getElementById('myModal' + index).style.display = 'none';
For some reason, every card works except the first one I don't understand why that would happen. It is not a problem with the i variable or the function I don't get what it is
Because in you index.js you are capturing the first span var span = document.getElementsByClassName("close")[0];
and executing a different function. Fix
that and it should work.