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Infer types using own properties

I'm trying to find out if there is a way to infer types in an interface from an implementation's properties.

Simplified example:

interface Options {
  type: 'string' | 'number'
  demanded?: boolean

interface Command {
  // The parameter options will contain the interpreted version of the options property
  callback: (options: InferOptionTypings<this>) => void
  options: { [key: string]: Options }

// Infer the options
// { type: 'string, demanded: false} | { type: 'string' }   => string | undefined
// { type: 'string, demanded: true }                        => string
// { type: 'number', demanded: false} | { type: 'number }   => number | undefined
// { type: 'number, demanded: true }                        => number
type InferOptionTypings<_ extends Command> = ... // here i've been stuck for very long

I've read the typings of yargs (and this is obviously inspired by yargs), but I've not figured out how to make it work in this style or what I'm missing/if this even is possible.

Example use case:

let command: Command = {
  callback: (options) => {
    options.a // string
    options.b // number | undefined
    options.c // string | undefined
    options.d // error
  options: {
    a: {
      type: 'string',
      demanded: true,
    b: {
      type: 'number',
    a: {
      type: 'string',


  • It is possible, but in order to infer it you should create a function.

    interface Option {
      type: 'string' | 'number'
      demanded?: boolean
     * Translates string type name to actual type
     * Logic is pretty straitforward
    type TranslateType<T extends Option> =
      T['type'] extends 'string'
      ? string
      : T['type'] extends 'number'
      ? number
      : never;
     * Check if demanded exists
     * if true - apply never, because union of T|never produces T
     * if false - apply undefined
    type ModifierType<T extends Option> =
      T extends { demanded: boolean }
      ? T['demanded'] extends true
      ? never
      : T['demanded'] extends false
      ? undefined
      : never
      : undefined
     * Apply TranslateType 'string' -> string
     * Apply ModifierType {demanded:fale} -> undefined or never
    type TypeMapping<T extends Option> = TranslateType<T> | ModifierType<T>
     * Apply all conditions to each option
    type Mapping<T> = T extends Record<string, Option> ? {
      [Prop in keyof T]: TypeMapping<T[Prop]>
    } : never
    type Data<Options> = {
      callback: (options: Mapping<Options>) => void,
      options: Options
    const command = <
       * Infer each option
      Options extends Record<string, Option>
    >(data: Data<Options>) => data
    const result = command({
      callback: (options) => {
        type a = typeof options.a
        type b = typeof options.b
        type c = typeof options.c
        options.a // string
        options.b // number | undefined
        options.c // string | undefined
        options.d // error
      options: {
        a: {
          type: 'string',
          demanded: true,
        b: {
          type: 'number',
          demanded: false
        c: {
          type: 'string',

    I left the comments under each type utility


    UPDATE Without function:

    type WithoutFunction = Data<{
      a: {
        type: 'string',
        demanded: true,
      b: {
        type: 'number',
        demanded: false
      c: {
        type: 'string',