Last time I tried to add fancy header and footer in my document, but I'm not happy of it's result. How to correctly set a fancy header and footer in a included pdf, which contains many pages?
My goal, which I want achieve, is: If the number of page is odd, I want to have a header and the number of page on the left side of page, otherwise I want to have it on the right.
Here is my base code:
\documentclass[oneside, a4paper, 12pt]{article}
\usepackage[right=2.7cm,left=3.5cm, top=2.7cm, bottom=2.5cm,includehead]{geometry}
\pagestyle{fancy} \fancyhf{}
\fancyhead[L]{Test of left header}
\fancyhead[R]{Test of right footer}
I would be glad if somebody knows the solution, because i need it necessarily for the BA thesis!
If you use a twoside
ed documentclass, then you can let fancyhdr
automatically place your header/page number on even/odd pages:
\documentclass[twoside, a4paper, 12pt]{article}
\usepackage[right=2.7cm,left=3.5cm, top=2.7cm, bottom=2.5cm,includehead]{geometry}
\fancyhead[LO,RE]{Some header}