I was trying to create a dynamic selection field based on conditions
x_material_orientation = fields.Selection(selection='_product_customer_uom_change',string='Material Orientation')
def _product_customer_uom_change(self):
for rec in self:
if rec.x_order_customer_uom.name == 'sht':
return [('sheetfaceup','Sheets Face Up'),('sheetfacedown','Sheets Face Down')]
elif rec.x_order_customer_uom.name == 'yds':
return [('windfaceout','Wind Face Out'),('windfacein','Wind Face In')]
This would work this way? It is not working as of now. Any suggestion would be of great help!!
is called before current record is loaded, so you cannot use current record to calculate selection field.
You could use context (but active_id
still won't be available) and pass some information from the previous view, e.g.:
def _product_customer_uom_change(self):
if self.env.context.get('order_type') == 'sht':
return [('sheetfaceup','Sheets Face Up'),('sheetfacedown','Sheets Face Down')]
elif self.env.context.get('order_type') == 'yds':
return [('windfaceout','Wind Face Out'),('windfacein','Wind Face In')]
If you're not able to this, you should use many2one field (with widget="selection" or create=False) with domain in a view.
(answer written based on experience with Odoo 10)