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No Dialect mapping for JDBC type: 2003, but it is registered

How to fix this error?

No Dialect mapping for JDBC type: 2003

Here is my dialect class - child entity does not have fields, related to the error

public class CustomPostgreSQL10Dialect extends PostgreSQL10Dialect {
    public CustomPostgreSQL10Dialect() {
        this.registerHibernateType(2003, "sql_array_type");

and single properties file


Spring 2.5.2

And my entity

        name = "enum-array",
        typeClass = EnumArrayType.class
@FieldDefaults(level = AccessLevel.PRIVATE)
public abstract class Contact extends AuditedEntity {
    @Type(type = "enum-array", parameters = @org.hibernate.annotations.Parameter(
            name = "sql_array_type", value = "messengers"))
    MessengerType[] messengers;


  • You would need to register the SQL type by calling registerColumnType in the Dialect, although I don't think this is what you really want, as that would use a single SQL type for all enum arrays. You should provide the SQL type at the use-site through @Column(columnDefinition = "int[]")