We are using Room database in android to store the data.
Now, In Dao class we all perform various queries like Insert, Select, Delete, Update etc.
I want to know that How can We know that these queries executed successfully?
i.e If I am doing as below :
How Can I notified that the user data is inserted in particular table and operation is successful ?
And Yes Is there any tools or plugin available through which we can see the data of Room database? (I have googled about it, but it was a bit confused regarding Device Monitor)
Please guide.
Everything is explained in the documentation here.
We can return a value for insert, update and delete operations to determine if it was successful or not.
fun insert(item: ItemEntity): Long // returns row that entity was inserted at or -1 on failure
fun update(item: ItemEntity): Int // returns the number of rows updated successfully
fun delete(item: ItemEntity): Int // returns the number of rows deleted successfully
And then when you do the operation:
val result = cache.insert(item.toItemEntity())
println("result is $result")
Queries don't seem to have an obvious way to implement this functionality though.