This is the console input/output:
C:\Users\>for /f "tokens=* skip=1" %a in ('wmic cpu get numberOfCores') do (set valor="%a")
" ) sers\> (set valor="4
" ) sers\> (set valor="
C:\Users\>set cpu=%valor:~6,-1%
C:\Users\>if "%cpu%" geq "4" (echo yes) else (echo no)
The loop seems to iterate twice, assigning the correct value (4
) first and then overwriting it a blank value, thus clearing it, leading to a failed comparison with 4
Why is this happening, and how can I fix this so that the condition returns yes
You do not need to return the result, save it as a variable, then compare it.
You can allow the WMI Query Language to determine if the value is:
wmic cpu where numberofcores^=4
wmic cpu where "numberofcores = 4"
wmic cpu where numberofcores^>3
wmic cpu where "numberofcores > 3"
Greater Than OR Equal To 4
wmic cpu where numberofcores^>^=4
wmic cpu where "numberofcores >= 4"
Putting those together into a format more akin to your posted intent:
wmic cpu where numberofcores^>3 get numberofcores /value 2>nul|find "NumberOfCores">nul&&(echo yes)||echo no
Or using more correct/robust, syntax:
%SystemRoot%\System32\wbem\WMIC.exe CPU Where "NumberOfCores >= 4" Get NumberOfCores /Value 2>NUL | %SystemRoot%\System32\find.exe "NumberOfCores" 1>NUL && (Echo Yes) || Echo No