Looking for some help in figuring out how to write a script to crop images in Indesign. The images are of two sides of an object, so usually I drag the image in from the folder, copy it and crop both images vertically so I end up with separate objects for the left-hand(front) and right-hand(back) sides of whatever I'm playing with.
I had a search of forums but most of the scripts I found were aimed at a simple resize rather than basically cutting an image in half vertically while leaving the size unchanged - can anyone help me get started on this?
Try this:
var sel = app.selection[0];
var gb = sel.geometricBounds;
gb[3] -= (gb[3]-gb[1])/2;
sel.geometricBounds = gb;
var sel = app.selection[0];
var gb = sel.geometricBounds;
gb[1] += (gb[3]-gb[1])/2;
sel.geometricBounds = gb;
It 'crops' selected image (left-hand half), copy/pastes (inplace) the image again and crops its again (right-hand half)