Could you please help me with an issue I am having adding comments on Google Doc? I have done all the work required in retrieving comments from Google Drive. This is how I retrieve comments from Google Doc:
String fileId ='1up_-hN_z6Fv4NuPUDZioIzFgk42o4j6n8';
String commentId = "AAAAp8ow";
googleUser = await _googleUserSignIn.signIn();
final authHeaders = await googleUser!.authHeaders;
final client = GoogleHttpClient(authHeaders);
print(' passed 1 ');
final marcoDrive = drive.DriveApi(client);
var result = await marcoDrive.comments.get(fileId, commentId, $fields: 'content');
The screenshot below shows the debugging results:
As you can see on the screenshot above, the results variable contains a comment data fetch from Google Doc. The screenshot below shows Google Doc and the orange circle is the comment:
My issue is creating a comment on Google Doc. I find the Comment request parameter, highlighted below using an orange arrow, problematic as I am struggling to create a comment in Google Doc.
var result2 = await marcoDrive.comments.create(request, fileId, $fields: 'content: data is data');
Could you please help me to understand what the Comment request parameter means and how to use it? I would also appreciate it if you could help me understand how to anchor comments.
The programming language I'm using is Dart. Here is a link that I used to help me understand how to manage Google Drive Doc comments: (
You have to supply a Comment resource as your request body, as you can see at the official docs: Comments.create.
Here are the fields corresponding to the Comment resource. The only required field is content
The JSON representation would be something like:
"content": "YOUR COMMENT"
In Dart, it would probably be something along the following lines:
Comment request = Comment();
request.content = "YOUR COMMENT";
var result = await marcoDrive.comments.create(request, fileId, $fields);