I need to replace some characters in email string, exactly such actions:
lower_email = str.lower(str.split(email,'@')[0])
nopunc_email = re.sub('[!@#$%^&*()-=+.,]', ' ', lower_email)
nonum_email = re.sub(r'[0-9]+', '', nopunc_email).strip()
But in SQL
I tried to use expression TRANSLATE(lower(email), 'a1_a.a-a@1-+()a ', 'a a a a')
, but it didn't give me solution.
Thanks in advance!
For example:
import re
email = 'some_email.example-2021@gmail.com'
lower_email = str.lower(str.split(email,'@')[0])
nopunc_email = re.sub('[!@_#$%^&*()-=+.,]', ' ', lower_email)
nonum_email = re.sub(r'[0-9]+', '', nopunc_email).strip()
result 'some email example'
SELECT email,
LOWER(SUBSTR(email, 1, INSTR(email, '@') - 1)),
' '
) AS translated
FROM table_name
Which, for the sample data:
CREATE TABLE table_name (email) AS
SELECT 'some_email.example-2021@gmail.com' FROM DUAL;
TRANSLATED some_email.example-2021@gmail.com some email example
db<>fiddle here