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How to add data labels to Gnuplot histogram (smooth freq)?

I have data of protein molecular weights in column 6 of my file. The column in question looks like this:

MW [kDa]

I would like to plot a histogram and I am doing it using Gnuplot's smooth frequency function:

echo n=20 >$gnuplot #number of intervals
echo max=100 >> $gnuplot #max value
echo min=-0 >> $gnuplot #min value
echo width=\(max-min\)\/n >> $gnuplot #interval width
echo hist\(x,width\)=width*floor\(x\/width\)+width\/2.0 >> $gnuplot
echo plot \"$dataFile\" using \(hist\(\$6,width\)\)\:\(1.0\) smooth freq w boxes lc rgb\"blue\" notitle >> $gnuplot

How do I add a data label representing the count for each bin on top of each histogram bar? I cannot seem to find a way to do it.


  • I would plot the histogram data into a table first and then use this table for plotting the histogram itself and the labels. Check the following example. If you have a file, e.g. 'myData.dat', skip the random data generation lines, instead add the line FILE = 'myData.dat' and replace all $Data with FILE. As @Eldrad mentioned in the comments, use the plotting style with labels for the labels. Check help labels and help table.


    ### histogram with labeled bins
    reset session
    # create some random test data
    set print $Data
        do for [i=1:2000] {
            print sprintf("%g",(invnorm(rand(0))+10)*20)
    set print
    stats $Data u 1 nooutput
    xmin = STATS_min
    xmax = STATS_max
    N = 20
    myWidth = (xmax-xmin)/N
    bin(col) = myWidth*floor(column(col)/myWidth)+myWidth/2.
    set key noautotitle
    set style fill solid 0.3
    set boxwidth myWidth
    set grid x,y
    set offsets graph 0,0,0.05,0    # l,r,t,b
    set table $Histo
        plot $Data u (bin(1)) smooth freq 
    unset table
    plot $Histo u 1:2 w boxes lc rgb "blue", \
             '' u 1:2:2 w labels offset 0,0.7
    ### end of code


    enter image description here