I am using angular ag-grid and I am trying to use a dynamic gridData name inside datasource, [rowData]. I keep getting errors when I am trying to append 'i' to the gridDataName. What may the possible issue in my case? I tried
Failed to execute 'setAttribute' on 'Element': '+i'
<div *ngFor="let item of apiList; let i = index">
<ag-grid-angular [rowData]="gridData"+i>
On typescript end, the data from different apis are assigned to griddata with names appended by numbers.
this.gridData1 = 'make call to api1 get data'
this.gridData2 = 'make call to api2 get data'
this.gridData3 = 'make call to api2 get data'
this.apiList = ['api1', 'api2', 'api3']
change the code to this:
this.myObject.gridData1 = 'make call to api1 get data'
this.myObject.gridData2 = 'make call to api2 get data'
this.myObject.gridData3 = 'make call to api2 get data'
<ag-grid-angular [rowData]="myObject['gridData' + i]">
OR you could probably just do:
<ag-grid-angular [rowData]="this['gridData' + i]">