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Notion widget by Scriptable

I've tried to create Scriptable widget using Notion API. I need to get count of page inside DB.

So, I used guide to create token and share DB, and by this guide I create cURL request:

  curl '' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer %TOKEN%' \
  -H 'Notion-Version: 2021-05-13' \
  --data '{



The filter in body is required, without this param you will get error.

So, the curl works fine.

Then I've tried to create scriptable code:

async function notion_fetchData() {

  const url = ''
  request = new Request(url)
  request.headers = {'Authorization':Bearer ${todoist_Api_key}, 'Notion-Version': '2021-05-13'}
  request.body = Data.fromString('{"filter": {}}')

  const res_notion = await request.loadJSON()
  return res_notion

And this code gets error: "resource exceeds maximum size". Any ideas how to debug this error?


  • With the help of the Slack community, we find the answer is that on iOS13, it is not allowed to add a body in GET request. To make it work again, we can either switch to a POST/PUT request or add body value via url parameters of the GET request.

    Code in official notion js client:

    const databasesQuery = {
      //POST instead GET
      method: "post",
      pathParams: ["database_id"],
      queryParams: [],
      bodyParams: ["filter", "sorts", "start_cursor", "page_size"],
      path: (p) => `databases/${p.database_id}/query`,