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Uno Platform - Reference resource dictionary within Shared project

I'm building an Uno app and need to reference a Resource Dictionary defined and stored in the Shared Project.

The project is set up like so:

Project structure

And in MainPage.xaml, I'm using:

            <ResourceDictionary Source="ms-appx:///LaunchShowcase.Shared/Themes/CenteredPivotHeadersStyle.xaml" />

This results in the error message Cannot locate resource from 'ms-appx:///LaunchShowcase.Shared/Themes/CenteredPivotHeadersStyle.xaml'

What's the proper way to reference this resource dictionary?


  • The shared project is not a "real" project, as would a library. The resource dictionary file is behaving as if it were directly integrated in the head project, therefore the name LaunchShowcase.Shared does not exist.

    Try using this instead:

                <ResourceDictionary Source="ms-appx:///Themes/CenteredPivotHeadersStyle.xaml" />