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How to properly cluster with HDBSCAN for 1D dataset?

My dataset below shows product sales per price (link to download dataset csv):

     price      quantity
0    5098.0        20
1    5098.5        40
2    5099.0        10
3    5100.0        90
4    5100.5        20
..      ...       ...
290  5247.0       150
291  5247.5        30
292  5248.0       150
293  5248.5        20
294  5249.0        55

[295 rows x 2 columns]

What I want to achive is clustering the dense regions (rectangles below) using HDBSCAN and sklearn. We have four regions, but regions 3 and 4 could also be grouped into a big region, which would lead to only 3 regions on the entire dataset by changing the parameters min_cluster_size and min_samples in the function call. enter image description here

And here is my code:

import hdbscan
import as px
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

data = pd.read_csv('data_set.csv')

price = group['price'].values.flatten()
price = price[:,np.newaxis]
weight = group['quantity'].values.flatten()

kde = KernelDensity(kernel='gaussian', bandwidth=1.5).fit(price,sample_weight=weight)
#the multiplication factor is only for visualization purposes
data['prob'] = np.exp(kde.score_samples(price))*85000

fig = px.line(data,x='price',y='prob')

enter image description here

data = data[['price','quantity']]

clusterer = hdbscan.HDBSCAN(min_cluster_size=4,min_samples=8)
data['cluster'] = clusterer.labels_

fig =,x='price',y='quantity',color='cluster',orientation='v')

enter image description here

The problem is the result, the clustering did not work as expected (picture above x below). It clustered the amplitudes, not the dense regions as it mentions in the algorithm. What am I missing in the code? enter image description here

I've tried the follwing things: normalizing the data (both axis) and also swaping the axis before calling the HDBSCAN class. Any help would be appreciated. I'm kind of lost in this code, but I thought by reading the documentation that it would be straight forward for this particular problem, as HDBSCAN deals great with density and noise.


  • The way you've implemented this, you are actually trying to cluster 2-D data. This make more sense when you visualize the result of your clustering as a scatter plot:


    In order to cluster the 1-D data as I believe you're intending, you could reshape the data. Essentially, you want a single list of prices where each price value is repeated in the list quantity times. This is pretty straightforward with numpy:

    data_1d = np.array(np.repeat(data.price, data.quantity)).reshape(-1, 1)

    which gives


    Then you can cluster on this numpy array directly, but you need to significantly increase min_cluster_size and min_samples because you have way more values to cluster now:

    clusterer = hdbscan.HDBSCAN(min_cluster_size=5000, min_samples=200)

    Finally, we can combine the cluster labels, pick the label that occurs most frequently*** for each price, and group by price:

    clustered_data_1d = pd.DataFrame(np.concatenate((data_1d, clusterer.labels_.reshape(-1, 1)), axis=1), columns=['price', 'cluster'])
    clustered_data_1d['quantity'] = 1
    grouped_data_1d = clustered_data_1d.groupby('price').agg({'cluster': lambda x: x.value_counts().index[0], 'quantity': np.sum}).reset_index()

    To verify that we got what we expected, let's plot:

    fig =, x='price', y='quantity', color='cluster', orientation='v')

    enter image description here

    Looks like the clusters generated by HDBSCAN with otherwise default parameters are largely similar to what you expected, though I'm sure you could tweak these a bit if you need fewer clusters for your final application.

    *** Using the 'mode' or the most commonly occurring cluster label may be a bit lazy on my part. You could also consider taking a mean and rounding, or finding the lowest and highest price with each label and using those as cluster endpoints, or something else entirely!

    Full code to copy-paste for those wishing to replicate:

    import pandas as pd
    import numpy as np
    import hdbscan
    import as px
    data_dct = {'price': {0: 5098.0, 1: 5098.5, 2: 5099.0, 3: 5100.0, 4: 5100.5, 5: 5101.0, 6: 5101.5, 7: 5102.0, 8: 5102.5, 9: 5103.0, 10: 5103.5, 11: 5104.0, 12: 5104.5, 13: 5105.0, 14: 5105.5, 15: 5106.0, 16: 5106.5, 17: 5107.0, 18: 5107.5, 19: 5108.0, 20: 5108.5, 21: 5109.0, 22: 5109.5, 23: 5110.0, 24: 5110.5, 25: 5111.0, 26: 5111.5, 27: 5112.0, 28: 5112.5, 29: 5113.0, 30: 5113.5, 31: 5114.0, 32: 5114.5, 33: 5115.0, 34: 5115.5, 35: 5116.0, 36: 5116.5, 37: 5117.0, 38: 5117.5, 39: 5118.0, 40: 5118.5, 41: 5119.0, 42: 5119.5, 43: 5120.0, 44: 5120.5, 45: 5121.0, 46: 5121.5, 47: 5122.0, 48: 5122.5, 49: 5123.0, 50: 5123.5, 51: 5124.0, 52: 5124.5, 53: 5125.0, 54: 5125.5, 55: 5126.0, 56: 5126.5, 57: 5127.0, 58: 5127.5, 59: 5128.0, 60: 5128.5, 61: 5129.0, 62: 5129.5, 63: 5130.0, 64: 5130.5, 65: 5131.0, 66: 5131.5, 67: 5132.0, 68: 5132.5, 69: 5133.0, 70: 5133.5, 71: 5134.0, 72: 5134.5, 73: 5135.0, 74: 5135.5, 75: 5136.0, 76: 5136.5, 77: 5137.0, 78: 5137.5, 79: 5138.0, 80: 5138.5, 81: 5139.0, 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    data = pd.DataFrame(data_dct)
    # Make data 1-dimensional
    data_1d = np.array(np.repeat(data.price, data.quantity)).reshape(-1, 1)
    # Cluster
    clusterer = hdbscan.HDBSCAN(min_cluster_size=5000, min_samples=200)
    # Merge the cluster labels to data and re-groupby `price`
    clustered_data_1d = pd.DataFrame(np.concatenate((data_1d, clusterer.labels_.reshape(-1, 1)), axis=1), columns=['price', 'cluster'])
    clustered_data_1d['quantity'] = 1
    grouped_data_1d = clustered_data_1d.groupby('price').agg({'cluster': lambda x: x.value_counts().index[0], 'quantity': np.sum}).reset_index()
    # Plot
    fig =, x='price', y='quantity', color='cluster', orientation='v')