Using Java 8, I am trying to figure out an algorithm / proper solution to see how to store a List<String>
with buyable items within a certain allocated budget.
Suppose, a Map<String, Double>
which contains the following keys / values:
Map<String, Double> menu = new HashMap<>();
menu.put("Fruit", 2.15);
menu.put("Fries", 2.75);
menu.put("Salad", 3.35);
menu.put("Wings", 3.55);
menu.put("Mozzarella", 4.20);
menu.put("Plate", 5.80);
Considering a method with the following signature:
public static List<List<String>> getListOfBuyableItems(
Map<String, Double> menu, double budget)
The following rules need to be enforced:
[["Fruit", "Fruit"]]
[["Fries", "Fries"], ["Fruit", "Salad"]]
This is what I've come up with, but I can't seem to figure out how to fix this using recursion and / or a different approach:
public static List<List<String>> getBuyableItems(
Map<String, Double> menu, double budget) {
if (menu.isEmpty() || budget < 1) {
return Collections.emptyList();
List<List<String>> buyableItems = new ArrayList<>();
double amount = budget;
for (Map.Entry<String, Double> menuItem : menu.entrySet()) {
System.out.println(menuItem.getKey() + " $" + menuItem.getValue());
if (budget > menuItem.getValue()) {
keepBuying(menu, budget);
amount = budget - menuItem.getValue();
return buyableItems;
public static void keepBuying(Map<String, Double> menu, double budget) {
if (budget > 0.00) {
for (Map.Entry<String, Double> menuItem : menu.entrySet()) {
budget -= menuItem.getValue();
How can I solve this problem using recursion or a different solution?
I'm just curious on now to solve this using either:
Here is a solution that uses recursion.
To make things easier, I have defined an Item
class that stores the name and the price of an item.
The price is expressed in cents to avoid rounding issues. The menu is a list of items.
import java.util.*;
public class Solver
private ArrayList<Item> menu;
private ArrayList<String[]> solutions;
public static class Item
public String name;
public int price;
public Item(String name, int price)
{ = name;
this.price = price;
public Solver(ArrayList<Item> menu)
{ = menu;
public ArrayList<String[]> solve(int budget)
solutions = new ArrayList<String[]>();
solve(new ArrayList<Item>(), 0, budget);
return solutions;
private void solve(ArrayList<Item> items, int first, int budget)
// We have found a solution, store it
solutions.add( ->[]::new));
// Search for an item that fits in the budget
for(int i=first;i<menu.size();i++)
Item item = menu.get(i);
solve(items, i, budget-item.price);
public static void main(String[] args)
ArrayList<Item> menu = new ArrayList<Item>();
menu.add(new Item("Fruit", 215));
menu.add(new Item("Fries", 275));
menu.add(new Item("Salad", 335));
menu.add(new Item("Wings", 355));
menu.add(new Item("Mozzarella", 420));
menu.add(new Item("Plate", 580));
Solver solver = new Solver(menu);
ArrayList<String[]> solutions = solver.solve(550);
for(int i=0;i<solutions.size();i++)
System.out.println("Solution "+(i+1)+": "+Arrays.toString(solutions.get(i)));
Solution 1: [Fruit, Salad]
Solution 2: [Fries, Fries]