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How do I pivot columns?

I have found this dataframe in an Excel file, very disorganized. This is just a sample of a bigger dataset, with many jobs.

df <- data.frame(
  Job = c("Frequency", "Driver", "Operator"),
  Gloves = c("Daily", 1,2),
  Aprons = c("Weekly", 2,0),

Visually it's enter image description here

I need it to be in this format, something that I can work in a database:

df <- data.frame(
  Job = c("Driver", "Driver", "Operator", "Operator"),
  Frequency= c("Daily", "Weekly", "Daily", "Weekly"),
  Item= c("Gloves", "Aprons", "Gloves", "Aprons"),
  Quantity= c(1,2,2,0)

Visually it's

enter image description here

Any thoughts in how do we have to manipulate the data? I have tried without any luck.


  • We could use tidyverse methods by doing this in three steps

    1. Remove the first row - slice(-1), reshape to 'long' format (pivot_longer)
    2. Keep only the first row - slice(1), reshape to 'long' format (pivot_longer)
    3. Do a join with both of the reshaped datasets
    df %>% 
       slice(-1) %>%
       pivot_longer(cols = -Job, names_to = 'Item', 
           values_to = 'Quantity') %>%
        left_join(df %>%
             slice(1) %>% 
             pivot_longer(cols= -Job, values_to = 'Frequency',
                names_to = 'Item') %>% 
            select(-Job) )


    # A tibble: 4 x 4
      Job      Item   Quantity Frequency
      <chr>    <chr>  <chr>    <chr>    
    1 Driver   Gloves 1        Daily    
    2 Driver   Aprons 2        Weekly   
    3 Operator Gloves 2        Daily    
    4 Operator Aprons 0        Weekly   


    df <- data.frame(
      Job = c("Frequency", "Driver", "Operator"),
      Gloves = c("Daily", 1,2),
      Aprons = c("Weekly", 2,0))