I'm using the following code to retrieve data from the server in the background.
new Thread(retrieveData()).Start();
Following is the function that receives the data from the server,
void retrieveData()
while (true)
string data = subSocket.ReceiveFrameString();
I want to create a prefab based on the data that was received from the server. Unfortunately, I can not do so from the background thread that is using retrieveData
. How can I send a callback to the mainthread and create a prefab at the specified position?
There are multiple ways probably.
The most commonly used is a so called "Main Thread Dispatcher" pattern which might look like e.g.
// An object used to LOCK for thread safe accesses
private readonly object _lock = new object();
// Here we will add actions from the background thread
// that will be "delayed" until the next Update call => Unity main thread
private readonly Queue<Action> _mainThreadActions = new Queue<Action>();
private void Update ()
// Lock for thread safe access
// Run all queued actions in order and remove them from the queue
while(_mainThreadActions.Count > 0)
var action = _mainThreadActions.Dequeue();
void retrieveData()
while (true)
var data = subSocket.ReceiveFrameString();
// Any additional parsing etc that can still be done on the background thread
// Lock for thread safe access
// Add an action that requires the main thread
_mainThreadActions.Enqueue(() =>
// Something that needs to be done on the main thread e.g.
var text = new GameObject("Info").AddComponent<Text>();
text.text = Data;