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Create Formula inside array after filter app script google sheet

I try to create formula inside array after filter this array, my array sometime don't give me price and sometime don't give me total price: I need if the Price in array has 0.0 I want to change this to TotalPrice/Qty like first array 600/20=30 , The price is 30. and in second array This is my code : TotalPrice is 0.0 do QtyPrice=TotalPrice : 1020=200 , thee TotalPrice is 200 .

I need output like that:

[{Qty:20, Price:30, TotalPrice:600}, {Qty:10, Price:20, TotalPrice:200}, 
     {Qty:5, Price:100, TotalPrice:500}]

And then I put it to sheet by this code:

sh.getRange(5,5,oA.length, oA[0].length).setValues(oA);


function arrayFormula() {
   const data = '[{"Qty":"20", "Price":"0.0", "TotalPrice":"600"}, {"Qty":"10", "Price":"20", 
     "TotalPrice":"0.0"}, {"Qty":"5", "Price":"100", "TotalPrice":"500"}]';
   Logger.log("Array: "+ data);
   const obj = JSON.parse(data);
   const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();

   const oA = => [obj.Qty, obj.Price,obj.TotalPrice]);

   // put array return to sheet
   //sh.getRange(5,5,oA.length, oA[0].length).setValues(oA);

  var filtered = oA.filter(function (el) {
     if (el[1]!=0) {
       return obj.Total/obj.Qty; 
     } else {
       return false 

 console.log("Array After Filter: " + filtered);


Return me :

1:16:27 PM  Info    Array: [{"Qty":"20", "Price":"0.0", "Total":"600"}, {"Qty":"10", 
                           "Price":"20", "Total":"0.0"}, {"Qty":"5", "Price":"100", 
1:16:27 PM  Info    Array After Filter: 

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  • Probably something like this:

    function main() {
      const data = `[
        {"Qty":"20", "Price":"0.0", "TotalPrice":"600"}, 
        {"Qty":"10", "Price":"20", "TotalPrice":"0.0"}, 
        {"Qty":"5", "Price":"100", "TotalPrice":"500"}
      const obj = JSON.parse(data);
      const calc_price = obj => 
        obj.Price == 0 ? obj.TotalPrice / obj.Qty : obj.Price;
      const calc_total_price = obj => 
        obj.TotalPrice == 0 ? obj.Price * obj.Qty : obj.TotalPrice;
      const oA = => [o.Qty, calc_price(o), calc_total_price(o)]);
      const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
      const sh = ss.getActiveSheet();


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