This is a FAQ -- for example this answer; or Section 3.2 'A Constraint for Well-Formed Applications' in 'Partial Type Constructors' [Jones, Morris, Eisenberg 2020]. And the frequent answer is you can't do it. I think I kinda have done it. (But it ain't pretty.)
data Set a = NilSet | ConsSet a (Set a) deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
mySet = ConsSet 'a' $ ConsSet 'b' $ ConsSet 'A' NilSet
My Set
type should not have duplicate elements. So if I fmap toUpper mySet
, I want to avoid two 'A'
s. Then consider
Addit: in response to comments. (Original code retained below, for reference.)
@Carl [the restriction in the Language Report] applies only to constraints on exactly the type
Yes I didn't even try "exactly type u
", because I assumed it would be banned. But ... I can now dispose of @Fyodor's line of questions about whether there might be some residual restrictions:
The minimal language extensions I need are MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances
-- which I'm relaxed about; they're long-standing/stable/well-tried. I don't even need FunctionalDependencies
. And this also works in Hugsmode.
class Functorish2 f where
fmapish2 :: (FConstr2 f a b) => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b -- huh? compiles ok
instance Functorish2 f where -- needs FlexibleInstances
fmapish2 = fmapish3
class FConstr2 f a b where fmapish3 :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
-- IOW same signature as fmap. This gives me a free hand.
instance (Eq b) => FConstr2 Set a b where -- needs FlexibleInstances
fmapish3 f NilSet = NilSet
fmapish3 f (ConsSet x xs) = uqCons (f x) (fmapish3 f xs)
where uqCons fx xss | fElem fx xss = xss
| otherwise = ConsSet fx xss
fElem fx (ConsSet y ys) = fx == y || fElem fx ys
fElem fx NilSet = False
And indeed fmapish2 toUpper mySet
squishes out the duplicates. More realistically, a Set
implementation would use a BST or hashmap or some such, so the constraint on elements would be more complex than Eq b
. Never the less, seems I can add any constraints on the elements of the Set
Or is there a catch? Is this a fault I could abuse to cause type-unsafety? Presumably the Language Report restriction (next para) doesn't want to allow fmapish2
to be less polymorphic than the class head would indicate.
The surprise is the line I've marked "huh?". According to the 2010 Language Report Section 4.3.1 'Class Declarations' constraints on method signatures "The cxi may constrain only w-bar; in particular, the cxi may not constrain u." -- the u being the tyvar(s) from the class head. (BTW the deriving (Eq)
on Set
isn't essential.)
The second surprise is that not only does this work in GHC (8.10.2, 7.10), it also works in Hugs (2006).
(Code from original q.)
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts,
UndecidableInstances #-}
import Data.Char -- toUpper
class Functorish f where
fmapish :: (FConstr (f b)) => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b -- huh? compiles ok
class FConstr fb where fMerge :: fb -> fb -> fb
instance Functorish Set where
fmapish f NilSet = NilSet
fmapish f (ConsSet x xs) = fMerge (ConsSet (f x) NilSet) (fmapish f xs)
instance (Eq a) => FConstr (Set a) where
fMerge (ConsSet x NilSet) yss | fElem x yss = yss
| otherwise = ConsSet x yss
where fElem x (ConsSet y ys) = x == y || fElem x ys
fElem x NilSet = False
The surprise is the line I've marked "huh?". According to the 2010 Language Report Section 4.3.1 'Class Declarations' constraints on method signatures "The cxi may constrain only w-bar; in particular, the cxi may not constrain u." -- the u being the tyvar(s) from the class head. (BTW the deriving (Eq) on Set isn't essential.)
Turning my comment into an answer, I think the relevant GHC extension is called ConstrainedClassMethods
which is implied by MultiParamTypeClasses
For example, this code doesn't compile:
class Test a where
test :: Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
You'll get the error:
Test.hs:2:3: error:
• Constraint ‘Eq a’ in the type of ‘test’
constrains only the class type variables
Enable ConstrainedClassMethods to allow it
• When checking the class method:
test :: forall a. (Test a, Eq a) => a -> a -> Bool
In the class declaration for ‘Test’
2 | test :: Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
If you enable ConstraintClassMethods
then it does compile.
In your case ConstraintedClassMethods
is implied by MultiParamTypeClasses
, which also fixes the error in this test example.
But even without that, it would compile, because the FConstr2 f a b
constraint constrains more than just the variables mentioned in the instance head. See this example from the linked GHC guide, in particular op5
class C a where op3 :: Eq a => a -> a -- Rejected: constrains class variable only op4 :: D b => a -> b -- Accepted: constrains a locally-quantified variable `b` op5 :: D (a,b) => a -> b -- Accepted: constrains a locally-quantified variable `b`
So the constraint FConstr2 f a b
would also be accepted, because it constrains locally-quantified variables a
and b