Search code examples

Ignore empty params in href in Thymeleaf

So I have this href:

th:href="@{/apps/role/{pathVar}(pathVar=${var.attribute}, search=${})}"

Which works fine, but I want to make the url look cleaner by hiding the search param, if it is empty.


  • = 'test' => url = "../apps/role/varAttr?search=test"
  • = '' => url = "../apps/role/varAttr"

I stumbled upon this post, however nothing I tried could make it work for my purposes. It could be that the pathvariable has something to do with it, but really I'm clueless.

I tried:

th:href="@{/apps/role/{pathVar}(pathVar=${var.attribute}, __(${}=''?','search=${})__)}
th:href="@{/apps/role/{pathVar}(pathVar=${var.attribute}, __(${}=''?,search=${})__)}

as well as some more desperate attempts.

Edit: I use Thymeleaf version 3.0.11.

Solution: The marked solution, didn't exactly work for me, but this did. I just left out the first pair of "__" for the pathVar.

th:href="@{/apps/role/{pathVar}(pathVar=${var.attribute}, __(${#strings.isEmpty(search)} ? '' : ('search=' + ${search}))__)}"


  • You can try like this:

    <a th:with="search=${}"
       th:href="@{/apps/role/__${pathVar}__(pathVar=${var.attribute}, __(${#strings.isEmpty(search)} ? '' : ('search=' + ${search}))__)}">
       Click Url

    If the search parameter does not exist or is empty, it will not add it. I did this with *Thymeleaf version 3.0.12.